Thenia hospital to be rebuilt?
Have the Thenia demonstrations had an effect? Liberte talks about the saga of Thenia hospital. Apparently, Saudi Arabia gave a subsidised loan to rebuild it, requiring that the contract be advertised in Asharq Al Awsat. Only two bids were received for the contract, from a Turkish company called Atlas Civil Engineering and an American one called Acheton (Ashton?) International LLC. Atlas won the bid, but then the Ministry of Finance decided that the contract should be shared between the two companies, limited currency transfer to 25% of the contract, and demanded a discount of 5 million dinars. The company was presumably not pleased, and the whole project was subjected to indefinite delays - until now, when the Boumerdes director of health claims everything is sorted out with Atlas and construction should begin any day now. Well, we'll see...
get a look at it please?
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