
Random highlights from the Algerian media - because English speakers need to follow Algeria news too

Friday, June 16, 2006

Algerian constitutional amendment: Belkhadem presents the proposal

Liberte: Prime Minister Belkhadem presents his proposals for amending the constitution. The principal points were:

* No limit to presidential mandates - the president will be able to be reelected indefinitely, rather than, as now, being limited to two terms. But he insists that "this isn't a president-for-life".
* A post of vice-president - named by the President.
* Prime minister to replace post of head of government - prime minister to be designated by the President.
* Various promises about the right to demonstrate, equality of chances, freedom of religion, etc.

The overall upshot is rather obvious, I would think. If you spot an online copy of the full proposals, tell me.


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